Packing life’s suitcase.

Packing life’s suitcase.

I heard a great analogy the other day comparing a suitcase to a person’s life and urging us to pack well for life’s journey. The point was to organize everything in your suitcase, take the right things, don’t try to stuff in too much, and take advantage of the space...
How to be a top performer.

How to be a top performer.

Florida State University researchers found that more than one third of workers eat their lunch at their desks. I would imagine that at least an equal number of workers work on business related tasks and projects after work while on personal time and vacation time. And...
Activities that drain your energy

Activities that drain your energy

In the last blog article I discussed energy sources, and this article, drawing on information from my eBook, Manage your personal energy, published by, I indicat how our energy is quickly depleted. Excessive use of technology. We seem to be obsessed with...