Example of a Proactive Person

Example of a Proactive Person

Proactive people are always looking ahead at future activities, projects and events and anticipating needs, problems and possible outcomes. For example, if they are attending a conference in a different city, they go beyond actually booking air travel, arranging...
Are you an early bird or an owl?

Are you an early bird or an owl?

Either way, work with your biological clock, not against it.  “Larks” or “early birds” are not often appreciated by the “owls” or “night hawks,” especially if they live in the same house. It’s important to recognize that everyone’s biological clock is not the same....
How investing time yields dividends.

How investing time yields dividends.

It takes time to manage time Time Investments are those activities that eventually free up more time than they initially consume. For example, many people fail to plan because planning takes time. There would be no visible tangible task completed as testimony to this...